How to Improve Concentration – Simple Tools and Techniques to Inculcate in Daily Life
Under overwhelming circumstances, it becomes imperative to relax and stay calm. At the same time, it is also essential to stay focused and concentrated on the task at hand. One can adopt various tools and learn how to improve concentration. Enhancing concentration in everything we do can reap fruitful benefits. It makes the mind one-pointed and sharp. It doesn’t matter what the task at hand is, learning how to improve concentration can build better relationships, increase efficiency, and lead to a balanced state of mind.
The following tools and techniques can help us understand how to improve concentration and stay focused on our goal:
Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well
Concentration is taking your mind off several things at the same time and putting it on one thing at a time. Give every task your 100% and then move on to the next task. Commitment is key. Also, ensure that you try to keep your surroundings distraction-free. Keep your smartphones and other gadgets away from you, when you are trying to study or work. Set your eyes on the target, and work towards it until it is achieved. This requires tremendous dedication and discipline.
Slow and steady wins the race
Set realistic goals. Give yourself deadlines. Pace yourself. Haste makes waste. Hence be patient with yourself. It is difficult to concentrate if we are in a rush. Hence, slow down. Focus on your goal. Direct all your energy on your point of concentration. Do not overstress yourself by trying to finish too many things at one go. Set small and achievable targets. Finish them on time. Move on to the next.
Break it down to avoid a breakdown
Taking a break is most important to concentrate. The mind and body need a break. Stretch. Walk. Take a nap. Whatever you do, make it quick and keep it short. Too much of a good thing is also bad. Hence, long hours of studying or working without taking a break are equally harmful. Both your mind as well as your body need rest, in order to function efficiently and in harmony with each other. Ensure your break is not too long. This can lead to unnecessary distractions. You will be surprised at how much you can achieve more productively if you take quick short breaks.
Slip into silent slumber
Learn how to sleep well. Your brain needs rest and for that, you need to sleep and wake up on time. Make it a part of your disciplined routine. Improve your sleep-cycle. If your body and mind are not well-rested, it will definitely hamper your performance. If you take unnecessary stress, you will find difficulty in getting sound sleep. Your mind will not be rested even during sleep hours. Sound sleep is a very important part of our routine. No matter what happens during the day, keep everything aside, and sleep well every single night.
Let your breath guide you
Whenever you have free time, close your eyes, and simply focus on your breath. Try to equalize your breath. Whenever you feel anxious, direct your attention to your breath. Take deep breaths. This will help to calm your mind and bring about clarity of thoughts. Observe the movement of your body along with each breath. Your breath itself is the biggest teacher who can teach you how to improve concentration.
Turn to your basic necessities of food and water to learn how to improve concentration:
Stay hydrated. Each and every cell in the body needs water. Remember to keep a bottle of water next to you at all times and stay hydrated. Water will help to detox your body of toxins and will also help you stay nourished and hydrated. You can easily overcome the distraction of unhealthy snacking that is usually caused due to unnecessary stress. Another added advantage is that it will remind you to take your break when you feel the need to visit the washroom.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet. A light and healthy meal will also keep your mind light and healthy. This in turn will help you to focus and concentrate better. Avoid starving yourself and at the same time avoid overeating. Allow the body and mind to be active, energetic, and balanced. This will turn will help you to stay focused and concentrated.
In conclusion, it is very easy to learn how to improve concentration. However, it is important to make it a part of your daily routine. Like any other skill, concentration too can be improved. If you have an inherent restless mind, it might take longer for you to achieve a steady and stable mind that is a prerequisite to concentrate better. Hence, inculcate the above practices diligently and watch your life get better with enhanced concentration skills.
About the Author
Karen Rego is a content contributor at Life Positive. She is a certified yoga practitioner and has completed her advanced teachers' training in yoga education from The Yoga Institute. She is also a law graduate and has previously worked in corporate law and compliance for 10 years. The main aim of yoga is to develop a one-pointed and balanced state of mind. Practice of yoga involves the highest form of concentration.