5 Tips to an Enriched Life

Contributed by : Preeti Pathak
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The mythological epic Mahabharata is not just a story of winning power, supremacy, and self-righteousness but an allegory that teaches deep truth of life. With a focus on the cause and aftermath of the battle between Kauravas and Pandavas the epic draws light upon surging emotions of anger, jealousy, hatred, power, insecurity, and ego. Conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna lead to the creation of the Bhagavad Gita as explained and written by Ved Vyasa. It is not just a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna rather it is a review and introspection of thoughts, perspective, and attitude not only towards other people and situation but towards our own self.
Every time I read the books God talks to Arjuna and The Essence of Bhagavad Gita written by Paramhansa Yogananda, new learning is revealed. The Kriya Yoga Master has beautifully unfolded and explained the subtle truths. If these teachings are imbibed in day to day living and thoughts, attitude and behavior; the journey of life will soon transcend to a bouquet of love, happiness, and grace always.
Life is a full circle
I believe heart and brain, are the most powerful organs of our body. The only organ to functions even after we sleep is the heart. Brain rests when we rest our body. But if we go to bed with intense or disturbing thoughts then we do not give adequate rest to our brain in a sleep state. Outcome - disturbed sleep and heavy head the next morning.
Our brain is multi-folded. It is a thinking box with limited capacity to store at the conscious memory level. All information is stored in RAM(ready access memory). Our subconscious mind is RAM. It stores all information passed by the conscious mind as well as the information, which are not fed by your conscious mind. The subconscious mind stores all emotions and experiences of love, happiness, joy as well as hurt, anger, resentment, grief, sorrow, anxiousness. It is essential to release all unhealthy emotions from the system otherwise they make their home in our mind-manifesting into the body in the form of chronic, life long illness or disease. Ego leads to several health problems.
Life is in a full circle. As the famous saying goes ‘As you sow; so shall you reap.’ Being mindfulness and acknowledging own thoughts, reactions (internally and externally) and attitude helps keep all problems at bay. It is not about being proactive or reactive, neither about taking a flight or a fight mode in life situation. It is essential to realign, regenerate and grow favorable thoughts, attitude and behavior for a healthy body and happy being.
When we are happy or when we laugh the body releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin which, are favorable for a healthy self. Sorrow, anger, grief causes a low level of testosterone causing stress and health issues.
Top 5 tips for a healthy life
1) Love
Love thy dear ones but love thy enemies even more. The trick and twist are all about love or no love. More love you give to others and own self; more love you will receive and more you receive more love will you give. It is a cyclic reaction. Over the years our mind gets programmed in a pattern. We give out what we receive. Fill your life, your being with love. The top-secret for a healthy body is love. Sharing happy and positive thoughts instantly fills our being with happiness. Keep smiling, keep shinning. Till the time your self-respect is not humiliated never stop to share your joy and love with others. And if you come across someone who does not understand your love and you feel helpless just say a sincere prayer asking the Divine to bless and help the troubled person and fill him/her with love. We cannot control other people’s thoughts, action, and reaction but we can definitely rectify our own thoughts and actions for our own well-being. Love is to give space to others and accepting others point of view as well. Find happiness even if things don’t turn around as you want them to be. Remember there is only this much that you can do. Everything happens in life for a purpose. We are responsible for our own self. Love thy self, thy neighbor and love thy enemies equally.
2) True company
Walking alone through happy moments and life’s trial may not be as empowering as being with someone to share these moments. The company of a friend, companion, pet, children can fill our lives with splendid moments. Even strangers prove to be good company. We all essentially need someone to share the moments of life with. Exchange of words, emotions, and ideas are always healing. Happiness is being together. It opens our mind, broadens our perspective and attitude towards own life. It is essential to have own space but it is equally significant to be in company for peace and bliss. Realized souls seek true company through their quest of Divine union.
3) Forgiveness
What comes naturally is to point a finger and blame others. Many times we blame ourselves and become a victim of our anger, resentment, hate, and distrust. We begin to doubt our own judgment and slowly, fear and insecurity make the house in our mind. At times we choose to break a relation or maintain a low profile with that person. At times we lose complete faith in him or her. It is okay to make mistakes. It is from mistakes that everyone learns. What’s important is to become aware of mistakes, acknowledge them, accept them, learn from them, give forgiveness and move on in life. What appears to be simple may not be that simple. We must strive to become a good Samaritan and forgive ourselves as well as others. Life is but a journey to make mistakes, learn from them and transcend.
4) Self Belief
Our biggest weapon is the belief in own self. Unfortunately, through trials in life at times challenges and situation put us in a quandary of self- doubt. When you reach this point of self-doubt, self-hate, self- pity program your mind with strong and willing energy to reverse this thought pattern. It is doubted which lead the way to a downfall of self-confidence, self-belief, and self-conviction. Consciously train your mind to believe that you are tapping the best resources for success at every step in life without trying to control the outcome. Some outcomes could be as you desire while some may not be. With the belief in self, accept whatever is, instead of pondering what could be.
5) Faith & Surrender
Keep faith in own self and the Divine. The Supreme Intelligence knows what is best for your progress. Surrender rather than holding control over people and situation. Every situation, every experience has taught. With this belief instead of being anxious and stressed you will find yourself soaring high and wings spread wide to take a new flight and embrace the abundance life has in store for you.
Live in the present; in the now. Live each moment. It is these moments which, fill us with joy and happiness. Plan for the future but not at the cost of sacrificing the present moment and with an agitated frame of mind. It is purely in our hands how we want this moment to be. A happy, tension-free mind and attitude will help attract happy moments in life. With joy in your heart, a smile on your face and belief in life you will attract all that is positive, happy and enriching. Challenges will not feel as challenges anymore.
Have faith and know that All is Well!
So Be It.
Love & Light
To learn more about Preeti Pathak's philosophy and tips for an enriched life buy a copy of her books today.