About Ms. Rashmi Gupta Hazarika

Rashmi considers Yoga as an integral part of her life. She entered the field of holistic healing and holistic living by practising Yoga about six years ago. In-depth study and ardent practice helped her realise her goals and potentials and made her capable of inspiring individuals and groups to achieve health, happiness and wholesomeness. She uses the ancient techniques and principles of asanas, meditation and pranayama as per the need assessment of the group/ individuals. Not only that, the aim of her teaching format is to add knowledge and impart self-confidence in people. She particularly works with the expats, yoga enthusiast groups, women networks and accomplished professionals. Rashmi strives to bring a unique sense of awareness towards one’s health goals and instil empowerment through her sessions. Rashmi's motive is to teach the art of Yoga in its most traditional way. It is her lifelong wish to make the masses aware of the overall benefits of Yoga so that their lives can be improved just the way hers was.


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